
  • There wasn't a dry eye in the house when we saw Unfinished Song tonight. It's a shame there were only about 50 people in the theater who got to see this gem of a film. Terrance Stamp and Vanessa Redgrave give Oscar caliber performances while Gemma Arterton just charms everybody (and she is incredibly beautiful without all the glamour make up that makes her look like every other starlet in her publicity photos posted here at IMDb). While the film certainly touches the heart of any baby boomer who sees it, I can't help but think that it will move anybody of any age who has a heart. I'm not going to suggest that it's one of the great films of the 21st Century, but it is a very entertaining and extremely moving film that is driven by its characters and story rather than mindless CGI etc. It's a welcome reprieve from a summer of lousy blockbusters. But bring some Kleenex because you'll need it, but in an ultimately happy way.