• I remember this series with fondness. As I remember they were young roofers working carefree out in the sun. Chasing girls for the most part. I was working in a fairly staid office at the time and I can remember one of the female typists saying "You'd like to be a catch hand" (when I told her I liked the program). I think it caught the spirit that two years later would become the hippies.

    For any young person who hadn't got a good job this was a road to freedom.

    It offered a brief hiatus in the sun for those young people among us weighed down with the prospect of marriage and mortgage on the horizon.

    We have to make it ten lines for a review? Wow, that's quite an order for a forty year old T.V. program I can hardly remember. Your review guidelines seem a bit strict. The nearest thing to it in modern T.V. would probably be "Auf Wiedersehen, Pet" which I also loved, though I think Catch Hand had an innocence to it that surpassed even that classic series. If those nine lost episodes could be found it would make a great DVD.