• Warning: Spoilers
    I've seen this one a couple of times now, because there seems to be something genuine to it, even if it is basically quite simplistic. Kutcher didn't really convince me as much as he did before this time around, and some interactions between the two were just too childish, let alone funny.

    Still, I don't want to bash this one too much, because any romantic film that makes me want to try it again (and again) deserves a little credit, at the least. And I can't get enough of watching Amanda Peet on the (big) screen...

    The story is quite simple, their relationship isn't supposed to be as much, but... one can easily guess where all of this will be going, but this mix of lightheartedness and a fair sense of reality might be just about worthwhile to you. It was to me.

    I'll leave it at 6 out of 10 this time around.