• About 2 months ago I found out about The Conjuring and it got me really hyped up. Based on the trailers and other reviews it seemed like the next Amityville Horror or even something better. I have never been that disappointed...

    The beginning of the movie was quite formidable and original but after the first twenty minutes it began to spin out of control. Piece by piece The Conjuring began to display elements stolen from other horror movies. Specific scenes that even a horror rookie can associate to some of the popular horrors out there, have been implemented throughout the movie... And the number of haunted house clichés could not have been any larger.

    I am not trying to spoil anything but the ending was completely ridiculous. Last thing you want to do is to believe that this was based on real life events....

    The jump scares were as predictable as it gets and the plots are being twisted for no particular reason with no positive outcome in any one of them

    The only good thing is that the movie gives you an insight into the paranormal world and does it quite effectively, I personally kind of wanted to go and read more about demonology. For this the movie receives a plus.

    If you haven't seen many haunted house or satanic horrors, you should definitely go and see this. On the other side, if you consider yourself a person who is quite educated in the horror genre, then you will be disappointed.