• A cut and paste of a dozen movies you've seen before. Rebecca De Mornay looks beautiful and she tries, really tries to be menacing, and she does just okay. Jaime King looks horrid. Her character was so unlikable that I had trouble judging her performance; maybe that means she was fantastic? I don't know. Shawn Ashmore had the most believable performance. There is probably a good movie in here somewhere but the writing and direction were so artless that it was tedious to watch. Apparently it's a remake of an old Troma film, I've never seen it but it must be better than this (edit: apparently I have seen it, I rated it 6/10 but I don't remember anything about it). If anyone is still reading and really wants to know, Mother's Day (2010) is the story of the dumbest possible people doing the dumbest possible things.