• Warning: Spoilers
    Let's start from the top. This movie is called Getaway. The trailer features a number of cars doing back flips, bouncing off of each other, and various other types of vehicular carnage, and very little else besides a wisp of a plot thread involving a man, his kidnapped wife, and flying around Bulgaria in a stolen Shelby Mustang, being directed by a voice on cell phones. So you go to the theater, and the entire movie is set up in the first three minutes. The man gets told his wife is in mortal danger if he doesn't follow instructions to the letter, steals the car, and basically floors it for the next 90 minutes or so. The cast list on here gives a name to exactly two individuals. Everything else is generic (Kid, Thug, Man, Voice) Plausibility, therefore, doesn't exist. Reality doesn't exist. Common Sense doesn't exist. Most of the reviews seem to think the script is lacking. To a point, it is sorely lacking in a number of departments. However, if you don't know what you're in for within that first 3 to 5 minutes, you're really watching the wrong movie. It delivers exactly what a movie with this trailer and title and set up should. Lots of stunts, lots of vehicular destruction, and very little plot. The actors do not have a lot of help from the script, which seems to always be trying to set up the next load of driving stunts, instead of character development. You get bare outlines of the two actors with the most screen time, and very little else. However, because it's Ethan Hawke and Selena Gomez, they do their best with what is given. Mr Hawke is a reliable presence, and Ms Gomez, I think, has a bright future, assuming she stays clear of Lindsay Lohan territory. Yes, the script is lacking. Yes, the plot has cavernous holes in it. Yes the twist ending may leave you with the proverbial OH COME ON!! sort of feeling. But, this isn't an awards season kind of movie. Take it on its own terms, and it's a fun ride.