• I didn't enjoy Lain, and here's why.

    SEL seemed to have been praised by a lot of people, which now I'm sure were all (or majority) just anime fanatics willing to give any anime more credit than it deserves. I'm not one of those people -- I rarely watch anime and try to always pick something really worth the attention.

    While watching SEL I had a strong suspicion that the questions posed by the writers (of which there are A LOT, mind you; it's very mysterious) will not be answered. It all seemed too mysterious for the writers to know themselves where they were going but I continued watching hoping that I'm going to be wrong.

    I wasn't wrong. By the final 13th episode, most of the question are left unanswered. So aside from HUNDREDS of plot holes in this anime, there were also the same amount of questions that we will never get answers to and this is why it makes this anime SO BAD.

    Anybody can come up with millions of "mysterious", "bizarre" and "weird" ideas, but the answers are making the product good. If there are no answers, you might as well keep those questions to yourself.

    Some reviewers called this anime "weird", "very mystical", etc. It is, partially, that; but most of all, Serial Experiments: Lain is just a BAD ANIME with poor story, characters, script, directing, pacing and everything else.

    Speaking as a true cinephil in love with cinema I say this: avoid it, or you will waist your time.
