
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hmmmmm--the usual collection of 'reviews' from imbeciles who cannot spell, punctuate, write a complete sentence, or manage to learn anything about historical periods before Facebook. I cannot decide what the stupidest comments are here: the ones which blame Fisher for being lackluster in a nothing and hardly-written part? the ones which scream and carp about O'Hara's novel being trash and the film consequently being the same? the ones which backbite about Taylor's gorgeous and truly voluptuous figure, calling her 'chubby' and 'fat'? the ones bitching out Merrill for elegantly underplaying a thankless female- doormat role? the ones which think Fisher has to be 'gay' because he doesn't screw Liz? the ones which shriek about how 'ugly' and 'charmless' the handsome and talented Harvey is? the ones which call Taylor's character a WHORE although the novel and movie are both at pains to convey that she is in fact a 'loose woman', a party girl, and NOT a hooker? It's difficult to choose from such a cornucopia of MORONS. The movie itself is an O'Hara potboiler (which is what he wrote--get used to it, morons)based loosely on the life of Starr Faithful, and it is a melodrama, and Taylor didn't want to make the film. That said, she is surprisingly vivid and good, and the rest of the cast acquits itself more than gracefully. Taylor's delivery of laugh lines, never appreciated by most morons, is excellent here, and without the cheesy score (Kaper usually did much better at least than this) the movie would probably make it up to GREAT trash. Taylor is also drop-dead gorgeous, whether wearing a mink or a slip, and worth seeing even in a movie she disliked and did not want to make.