• Nobody can deny that most films are made for local audiences by keeping ideas,audiences' sensibilities and tastes which have a strong bearing on a specific geographic location.It can be a film about a city,region or even a nation.However,there are times when some films come with such strong content that they end up defying this very classification as their subject matter might be local but their impact is in many ways global as well as universal.By directing 'Un Bon Matin',French director Jean-Marc Moutout has made one such film which questions the unethical work environment in banking sector which pushes a French executive to exterminate his harasser. De Bon Matin is effective on a global level as it depicts corrupt banking practices which can be found in any nation with a banking system.One gets to see corrupt officials,workers with cowardice marked on their faces and even some management puppets who make futile efforts to influence honest executives.As the film progresses, it is clear that it is not merely the killing of a man by another man which is questioned but there is a constant interrogation of slaying of beliefs,emotions and ideas.This film is very relevant to contemporary French society which has witnessed many suicides by office executives in recent past.Lastly,actor Jean-Pierre Darroussin adds one more successful acting lesson in his role book with his portrayal of a lonely man who chose violence as the ultimate solution as he did not receive any solace in his times of grief from people who knew him well.