• Warning: Spoilers
    This show is one of my favorites, but it does have some bad episodes(its rare), Like this one. I hate this episode! I cant stand anything about it. Its easily the worst of the entire series. I could give it it's props for actually trying to do something, but why in the heck does moloch become a robot demon. Why is willow all the sudden interested in this random guy who messaged her? Why are these unnecessary painfully acted geeks everywhere in this episode?

    Its not just the plot problems that I have a problem with, there are plenty ofcharacter ones too. The dialogue is so boring for a "buffy the vampire slayer" episode, Its got extremely out of character behavior from willow that I just cannot buy, and its got the painful side characters.

    My only positive thing to say is that the lovely "jenny Calendar" was introduced. And her fight about computer with Giles is great! Its those scenes that makes "I robot, you jane" worth watching, but just barely.