• Warning: Spoilers
    Naïve young boy Toby (a since and likable performance by Sean Laguna) convinces his parents to let him purchase a mail order pet sea monkey. When said pet fails to grow as promised, the little bugger gets washed down the sink. However, a few weeks later it reemerges as an angry and deadly mutation. Writer/director Michael S. Rodriguez does an ace job of evoking the 1980's period setting: The hair, clothes, music, and, most importantly, refreshing use of only practical effects perfectly nail the era while the colorful comic book style brings to mind a segment from the classic horror anthology "Creepshow." Moreover, Rodriguez further spruces things up with wickedly funny touches of twisted black humor, offers a few neat bits of gore, and delivers a real doozy of an "it ain't over yet!" surprise ending. Always reliable cult cinema siren Lynn Lowry easily steals the show with her hilarious portrayal of Toby's feisty and senile grandmother. In addition, there are solid contributions from Joe Mannetti as Toby's earnest dad Don, Stacie Stocker as bitchy mom Carrol, Caitlin Herst as ditsy virginal daughter Audrey (guess what happens to her?), and Richard 'B.J.' Markham as foul-mouthed son Clay. Colten Currey's cinematography boasts several gnarly monster POV shots while Luis Javier Obregon's spirited shivery score totally smokes. A really fun short.