• Warning: Spoilers
    Saw this film recently via You tube .Thanks to Internet i have been able to track down many forgotten gems of malayalam cinema.This is one of them. directed by perhaps one of the greatest directors of malayalam cinema, k.g.GEORGE, this tell the story behind the investigation of a murder. The victim is a school girl. she is last seen by witnesses embarking from the private bus at a junction near her house. next day her body is discovered near the rail way track . cause of death is strangulation. her distraught father(bharath gopi) identifies the body.police begin the investigation methodically and questions all available witnesses . as the case begins to reach a dead end, a twist occurs, with the appearance of a new suspect. The final revelation of the murderer will make you gasp thinking about the dark areas of the human mind.The movie gives a glimpse of how seemingly respectable people when threatened by exposure turn into monsters. Made probably on a shoe string budget, the movie has its weak spots and the available print leaves much to be desired . Still the movie is worth a watch fpr its successful depiction of the human psyche.recommended