• Warning: Spoilers
    I don't have a clue where the negative reviews are coming from with this show. If you like some the random older comedies like Garth Merengies Dark Place, Spaced and The League of Gentleman. I think you will love this. I played a few episodes in my living room and everyone was in stitches laughing at the thing.

    ------Spoilers below------

    It's aimed at the British public and has little digs at the elements of our culture that have become big for no explainable reason. For example. X-factor is mocked in the first show to good effect. Another episode makes Jamie Oliver come across as a little un-hinged and aggressive which works for the humour as its random and out of character.

    I can understand the comparisons to South Park/Simpson/Family Guy etc. But that is only because its an animation, with a family, and the comedy is a little edgy. That's it in terms of similarities. As a previous reviewer said. It reminds me a little of the old spitting image show, as famous characters mannerisms are overly emphasised. Jamie Oliver as a swearing loud mouth cockney, the queen having a "sexually adventurous" youth, Richard Branson being over ridiculous with his money. etc etc. There is also occasional subtle things you have to keep an eye out for that can cause giggles. E.G. When ever we cut to see Ant and Dec on X factor in the first episode they are holding hands/about to kiss/having a secret relationship.

    To me and my friends, the show works. I think it failed because it was shown to early in the evening on TV. The upper-classes stumbled across it and as it pokes fun and points out the holes in a few things they consider "entertainment". It was shot down before it had a chance to get anywhere. The review in the Guardian was particularly critical after the first episode and that was one of the better episodes in my opinion. If it was shown a little later I think it would have avoided this negative response and would have been given the opportunity to gain momentum.

    Family Guy/South Park/Simpsons are good but we all have moments when some jokes are aimed at the Americans and everyone else watching just looks at each other and shrugs their shoulders. It was nice to have a similar style show in England where everything was for us. Hope it gets a DVD release at least so we can see the last un-aired episode.

    I'm giving it a 9 of 10 as it is good (But nothings perfect). Everything has room for improvement. But as it is, it more than successful at making me laugh.