• The two hosts' jokes actually made my day than the actual performance consideration. Here in India, it was early morning the show telecast and along with the arrival special, the 71st snippet of the GGs came out as a fine show.

    Not too long, not too sleazy, the host bravely handled the microphones. Yet, I still ponder over some of their strange, odd remarks on actors (e.g. something with Tom Hanks' name). The awards were totally unexpected but it'd been nicer if the original song, score had been played in background during their times. Also, the direction was not handled properly, not to mention the studio setup. TV actors had a field day walking to the dais for collecting their statuettes.

    With a brouhaha of advertisements for the producers of the show itself, the movies & the shows, the blend quite didn't work out. It was treat to see celebrities talk when they are tad vulnerable. There were points of speeches and anchoring that bored and I stopped paying attention. If I had to do a graphical representation of the awards show, I'd draw a reverse ramp signal.

    I chuckled more times than I did watching some of the comedy movies that were nominated. :D

    BOTTOM LINE: A fine show not to be taken seriously. 7/10.