• I agree with TGLO1 - but I was 14 - and this show was a fun memory at a time when networks were also programming "Supertrain" and "Hello, Larry". The theme song written by Charles Fox was what made it for me, along with guest actors similar to The Love Boat (TV stars with series currently on the air and movie actors past their prime). When composer Fox was recently on TV Confidential, I asked host Ed Robertson to play the theme, but alas: no luck - I hadn't heard it in 35 years until I discovered The 2 min. opening titles on YouTube as "sweepstakes theme". As a note, the singer for the theme is well-known lounge act Ron Dante, and Fox himself is one of the most prolific composers of catchy TV tunes, including "The Love Boat", "Wonder Woman", "Happy Days", and "Laverne & Shirley". Only Alan Thicke can claim more cheesy lyrics (I'll let you figure out his credits).