• I actually really like the show Bewitched and up until now had only watched the occasional 4pm episode after school (Note: That was only 5-10 years ago). But since they began running the show from the beginning on cable I love catching all the episodes. Life back in the 60's was a prettier time where everyone took pride in their appearance, home and people contributed to society. While there are the good aspects I can't help but laugh at the bad aspects that have gradually changed over time. Including the sexist pig attitude regarding the "little lady" her kitchen, fragility and place in life. Boy am I glad that part has changed over time. I find myself thinking who the hell does Darren think he is to tell Samantha she can't do magic and why would you not want to benefit from magical interference. But anyway as I said that was a different time.

    The show I think will forever be a classic that many generations can watch and enjoy. I'm glad I watched it because it does make you want to put more pride into all parts of your life and honestly I want to host more dinner parties, they seem like fun.