• I remember loving this movie as a kid, and watching it recently, I must admit it aged pretty well (except for the music and the hairdo of the leading actress). I laughed several times at the antics on display, mostly because of the interactions between Tom Hanks (Turner) and Hooch. Hooch, the dog, is a special effect in itself. He's initially so ugly, I thought he was some kind of unique bastard dog, but it turns out there's an actual breed. Who would have thought? So initially ugly, so big, yet turning out so lovable and actually handsome with his sad face and droopy expressions, once he cleaned up and didn't slobber too much.

    We have Tom Hanks at the height of his comedy career (before he turned too serious) giving a very energetic and enthusiastic performance despite playing a serious, by-the-book, neat freak. For me, there was actual chemistry between him and the dog. That scene where they "talked" in the car was hilarious. The other actors weren't bad but weren't notable.

    Other scenes where the dog made a mess or was particularly disgusting were to be expected, but they were enjoyable nevertheless, mostly due to us expecting Hank's reactions and him actually delivering. Sure, he was a bit over the top sometimes, but it worked. The actual police action stuff was less interesting and pretty standard for the times. The movie was also a bit sad a few times, but I think that made the movie more memorable. For me, this film remains a reference, even today, in terms of dog-comedy movies.

    Rating: 7 out of 10 (Very good)