• I was the only adult who didn't bring kids to the theater and all I can say is that I was leading the clapping when the credits rolled.

    "The Lego Movie" was an awesome, super creative, and extremely satisfying film for all ages- that is, if you have ever played with Legos. Even people that have never bought a Lego set will this enjoy this awesomely humorous and in the end, heartfelt movie.

    (Notice I am using the word awesome a lot, because one cannot stop singing the "Everything is awesome" song played in the movie. Too catchy!)

    The creators did a wonderful job putting all the classic things about Legos and making a new movie packed with humor.

    The voice actors were outstanding. You can tell they really enjoyed doing the movie and put in a lot of effort. Liam Neeson was fantastic as the Good Cop/Bad Cop. But the most credit to the success of this movie goes to Will Farrell who played the villain, President Business. He gives such a great effort in this movie which allows you to laugh, smile, and want more Lego awesomeness.

    I give the Lego movie a big two thumbs up and is by far the best picture I've seen in a few months. Highly recommend this movie to all Lego lovers who have a passion to build and create something awesome, just like the movie makers created this amazingly, AWESOME, film.