• Absolutely utterly unwatchable. If you can wade through that amount of crap, throughout these recent episodes then getting to ending. However fast forwarding looking for those entire 5 minutes of action based entertainment. Assuming that your some teen hipster who watches the Disney channels Brady bunch programming not Malcolm's middle finger an appropriate response to this age group. The recent formula is about 5 or so minutes of some bad guy often an idiot with an ego to match this superhero, then those Brady's solve that mystery. The rest of the time is spent. Dun dun forgetting some pointless memory. When following all those mommy, daddy, family issues at the family pizza party. Episode concludes with any message, killing is real bad, not at all cool on this show now, so when looking for any revenge dress in tights like the hood, but give a family hug, and don't forget deodorant, green arrow'sol.

    I would die if I watch another episode of this crap.......... if a minus rating is possible this takes that raspberry