• Warning: Spoilers
    The British film critics have generally slated this film. May I suggest that most of them don't have children or don't have empathy with children for I found it a masterpiece for those aged between 9-15 and an enjoyable if sad film for other age groups.I took three of my three grandchildren aged 10, 11 and 14 to see it , and with everybody else in the cinema were using tissues to wipe the tears away by the end of the film.My 14 year old thought it was the best film she has ever seen and the other two have not stopped asking questions about the history of the time. This is NOT a holocaust story. I honestly believe that some of the film critics who reviewed this film did not even see it! Because they did not know what is about. An illiterate girl who wants to learn to read and overcomes all obstacles in terrible circumstances. The Book Thief should be put on all secondary school's syllabus. And I expect that this fable, because that what it is will finish up having , like another fable " Its a wonderful life" becoming a family favourite.