
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The dialogue is modelled on 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf' and similar plays, so it might be difficult for modern ears to appreciate.

    Crowd-sourcing and the notion of the wisdom of crowds has its place. Quite often a useful place, but certainly not always.

    IMDb, an excellent place to get information on popular films, can be very misleading with good films that happen not to be popular.

    I'm pleased that I ignored the 6.5 score of Le Week-End - if I'd taken it seriously, I'd have missed an absolute gem of a film...

    Probably not a film for the young-of-body - hence, presumably, the misleading score.

    It's really good fun, though, if you've an ear for good English humour - I'm not quite sure why the film's blurb calls them a 'British couple', either, it nearly put me off. They're undoubtedly an English couple. The humour would have been quite different if they'd been Welsh, Irish or Scotch.