• I watched this movie hoping for something with the charm of "Father of the Bride" and the humor from "Something's Gotta Give." Instead I got the raunchiness of "American Pie" mixed with the look of a Hallmark movie. Horrendous script, unlikable characters, several plot holes and it just didn't make me feel good at all. Thank goodness it was only 89 minutes. Literally everything I predicted in the movie in the first 20 minutes happened. I'm not even kidding you, it's true. That's how lazy, predictable and dull the plot in this movie is. I enjoy a chick flick every now and then because they give me that warm, fuzzy feeling. This made me feel like I was in a high school locker room. "Let's cheat on our spouses and talk about our sex lives to our kids and in-laws! Yeah! Nothing weird about that!" Nasty, vulgar dialogue, domestic abuse, and stale jokes. I detest this movie. The only decent thing about it was its cinematography.