• As difficult to review as it is to view this is one hell of a bizarre movie. Not to be confused with the Warhol movie, this is from Alberto Cavallone and is probably aiming at the same sort of sub art house audience, or as it was in the late 70s. Extreme and confusing, this begins with happy hippy outdoor romance which rapidly becomes a prolonged rape sequence but all shot in such a way as we are disorientated from the start. This dream/nightmare pattern continues as first this first victim then another are sort of taken in by a photographer, of sorts. he has once taken photos of war torn events and seems to have become traumatised by these images which we see in occasional montage in much degraded quality. In a similar way he 'looks after' the women and seeks to similarly degrade them while he skips about taking crazy photos of bent up soft drink cans. When vomit and excrement join the menu we gather things will not end too well.