• Munster, Go Home!

    The parental advantage to being a Frankenstein-esque father is your torso can be at work and your head can be at your kid's soccer game.

    However, in this comedy, the patchwork patriarch's entire body is overseas.

    Willed an English manor by his relative, Herman (Fred Gwynne) moves his vampiric wife (Yvonne De Carlo), his feral son (Butch Patrick), his blood-sucking father-in-law (Al Lewis) and his normal-looking niece (Debbie Watson) to Munster Hall.

    Herman's cousins (Jeanne Arnold, Terry-Thomas) however are infuriated that he inherited their estate.

    To rid the home of their relations, the pair plan to sabotage a drag race Herman is entered in.

    As campy as the TV show it's based on, this creature feature-film boasts most of the principal cast members as well as Grampa Munster's legendary Drag-u-la dragster.

    Besides, Brits having a problem with weird-looking people with pointy teeth is like the kettle calling the pot black.

    Yellow Light
