• I admit I am not an Anthony Bourdain fan. He comes across as a bit smug and arrogant, and I once tried a restaurant he reviewed favourably and hated it, so I also don't trust his judgement. Regardless, I started watching this series and was enjoying it, even though his smugness still shone through. However, I have to say I am a bit bewildered by what the point of this show is. It's sort of a travelogue, heavy on the food, but then an episode he did on Mexico I turned off because it was nothing but dead bodies and an expose on the drug cartels of Mexico - not exactly a travelogue!

    So, I am left to wonder what the hell is this show trying to be - is it a food show, a travel show, an expose on foreign cultures? I have no idea. But I still don't like Bourdain, so maybe I am a little prejudiced.