• Warning: Spoilers
    Why do I say it depends on the crowd? because I literally went to 2 types of crowds in 1 day, first with random cool people(full room) and then with some athletic friends(room was a little empty). So the first time(without my friends) I watched it was amazing with the people around, every time Godzilla landed a strike everybody was like "OOOOHHHHHHH" like if it were a fight club circle,especially when the blue glow appeared everybody raised their hands and were like "WUOAH, WUOAH HERE IT COMES!" and when Godzilla fired the laser... Oh my god... the yelling.... everyone screaming, even the little kids were scared due to the people screaming. So pretty much we all got out of the theater satisfied and while I got out my friends arrived and told me to join them to watch it again. The room with my friends was kinda empty. My athletic friends barely paid attention and some of them even left, the room was quiet. Even in the fight scene it was quiet, I even tried to motivate them but wow those guys were bored and I was annoyed by that. So I pretty much noticed they got out the theater unsatisfied. This is my conclusion.