• Such as waste of time and money. This film has made it into my "worst of the terrible films list" with its awful script, poor acting, stupid dialog uninspired settings, and silly gay theme. We actually never know what the gay hang-up of the protagonist is and how he will deal with it; his new found buddy Curly is so over-the-top it is laughable (pun intended). The COG theme is absurd and must have come from a horrible personal life experience of the writer (please do not subject your viewers to your hang-ups the next time you write a script or short story; get some professional care). The over-acting made me think everyone in this film was actually bi-polar in real life and was just lucky to be off their medications and be around for a screen-test. In addition, makes me never want to eat an apple again. I have seen some pretty bad gay drama film, but this one is rock bottom ...advice to others: Don't waste your time on this junk.