• I am 36 years old and I grew up watching Transformers the cartoon and playing with the toys in the 80's. The franchise had achieved mind share. The plan worked.

    The first and second live action movie didn't do much for me. The one I enjoyed the most and actually felt something for was Dark of the Moon.

    Until Age of Extinction. I really enjoyed it.

    Yes it completely objectifies women and is racist and sticks adverts and bright shiny things in your face but hey, thats life (What are YOU doing to stop this? writing a negative review of Transformers? good for you, that will fix the Human Race) , and this is an allegory to life created by a conglomerative passionate effort of differing perspectives, some corporate, some childish.

    The racist and sexist elements especially of Age of Extinction could be an opportunity to communicate to children about right and wrong and the way women (and men to a much lesser extreme) are portrayed as objects in our world. Communication is what we seem to give up on these days.

    Transformers is a franchise but it is also human history. It is some peoples (mainly boys) memories of childhood. And the movie is a live action perspective of this.

    Transformers aided in the development of self.

    When i think back now the cartoon instilled in me ideals of morality, honour, friendship, teamwork, valuing different forms of life, and the endless, timeless, continuous , ever repeating battle of good versus evil, positive and negative in the form of Autobots and Decepticons.

    Messages abound in the film about spite and contempt for life and human brutality and dishonour, racism against man and machine or a perceived lesser form of life, sexism , objectification of women. Standardised beauty in the form of the beautiful men and women and cars, the "objects" created by minds that have been programmed by our societies models of beauty.

    A lot of reviewers seem to have irrational hatred for Michael Bay and Transformers and their reviews are purposely negative and unbalanced, and to create balance they create irrational defence of the creative work by others. Can you not see this people ?!

    The negative reviews are all filled with the same old criticisms that all the prior movies have gotten, they never really review the film, they run out of things to say fast and start to go through and pick apart the plot and just talk about the stupid or dumb elements. This movie was no "dumber" than Avatar. (Unobtainium anyone?)

    But what I dislike the most is the looking down on people with contempt for enjoying the film. The passion in these negatives seems to be for mocking other peoples passion.

    Or Transformers of all things represents everything they hate in the world. It would be funny if it wasn't true though, It is a waste of energy you negative multiplying reviewers, find some purpose!

    We are additive and subtractive beings, positive and negative, but it is the absolutes that are pointless and insignificant but entirely significant and to the point. It is the nature of absolutes. Don't you get it.

    Anyway back to the movie.

    Good movie. Easier to follow action and plot. Beautifully awesome special effects. But the key is Optimus Prime, the best of the best, willing to protect lesser forms of life (the humans) and more to the point the human sensory representation of Optimus Prime - the voice of Peter Cullen - You are a Legend.

    Transformers: Age of Extinction 7 out of 10

    By Striker Eureka