• There are pros and cons for this Deitch entry.

    The main con is that, once again, we got the brutish master from "Down and Outing" and "High Steaks" beating up on Tom, who's only trying to help (Though I do admit that the scene where Tom goes deaf forum the loud gun was pretty funny).

    The pros are few, but good. The jungle music sets the mood for the setting and I kinda like the design on that elephant. The violence, while still mean at times, is a little more downplayed this time around. Some of the jokes are pretty clever (like the hunter choosing a gun by swinging them like baseball bats, plus the aforementioned deaf scene), plus I did like it when the elephant freaked out when he saw Jerry. Finally, it's a bit nice to see the thug get some violence onto him (being scratched up by a lion and tied to a stick at the end).

    Overall, it's not the best of Deitch's efforts, but I find it the most tolerable of the three "fat man" shorts in this bunch.