
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Whenever anyone claims to have seen "the worst film ever made," I chide them that they must not have seen "The Squatters Daughter." It is an absolute delight, a composite of every film cliché from a half dozen genres, combined with endless shots of sheep. We have babies switched at birth by gypsies, a dwarf who loves a beauty (think Quasimodo)and who is prepared to die for her, rough sheep herders (doubles of the American cowboy)dancing erotically with women in chic evening gowns to a jazz band, and a huge and technically clumsy forest fire. There is a father who has raised his adored son from birth, sharing all the joys of bonded parenthood. But when he learns the boy is not his biological son, he is able to turn his back on the lad as if he never existed. The ending is delicious. The villain is shot and writhes in agony on the floor, just out of camera range, at the feet of the boy and girl who are enjoying a smooch as romantic music rises and "The End" comes on the screen. Oh, heaven!!