• A Title that Announces this DTV Action Movie as if Anyone who would be Remotely Interested in this B-Movie would Need such an Exclaimer. There is the Teaming of Two Has-Beens that Now Pay the Rent by Making Low-Budget, Mostly Foreign Filmed Fodder.

    These Actors Usually Make Watchable, Never Released to Big Screens Movies that are High on Bloody Shootouts and Low on just about Everything Else. In this One Dolph Lundgren Stays with His Mentally Damaged Character that seems to have a Lot of Fun Blasting Away Bad Guys for Big Pay Days. The More the Merrier.

    Dolph Supplies the Comedy Relief but Mostly He just Relieves the Bad Guys of Their Scummy Lives. Cuba Gooding Jr. Plays it Perfectly Straight with a Haunting Past an Obsession with a Child He Traumatized.

    Overall, Worth a Watch for its High-Energy and is Good Enough to Recommend to B-Movie Action Fans, Followers of the Two Stars and those not Expecting Anything to Sophisticated.