• Warning: Spoilers
    Overall, The Sorcerer and the White Snake was an enjoyable movie due its "forbidden love" theme. The romance between Susu, a snake demon, and Xu Xian, a mortal, was sweetly portrayed. Unfortunately, the movie follows the pattern of most forbidden love stories by ending in a way that is bittersweet at best. Love does not conquer all obstacles in this movie. Additionally, those who love fantasy and the supernatural will not be entirely disappointed. The movie has several types of supernatural beings; however, the portrayal of these beings may be disappointing to some. There is a lot of CGI that can be overwhelming. Less CGI and a little more imagination would have made the supernatural elements of the movie less cheesy. I do not typically watch movies for their action scenes so I have very little to say on that front. Perhaps the action lovers will watch this movie solely because Jet Li is in it. The movie does its best to cater to the romantics and those seeking a little more than just a love story. It is worth looking into, especially for those who enjoy romance.