• I'm afraid I'll have to take bradleybean86 to task on his review of the aforementioned movie.

    At first, I'll admit I was a shade in BB86's camp. Berberian Sound Studio started out a bit slow for me, but as I tend to be a bit cerebral when it comes to certain genres of motion pictures I saw the premise and the promise of what turned out to be a good thinking man's movie.

    I was quickly engrossed into Toby Jones' character the sound engineer, Gilderoy and was quickly captivated thereafter by the story.

    Toby known by most flick fans from his character Dr. Arnim Zola in Captain America: The First Avenger and CA: The Winter Soldier. I was first introduced to him on screen as the Judge in The Messenger The Story of Joan of Arc. Then again as the voice of Dobby in Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets/Deathly Hollows.

    I pondered fairly early on wondering it was a spin on the Truman Show in a different guise. Far be it from me to throw any spoilers in here so I was partially, to a certain extent, correct.

    I said No Spoilers,so let it suffice to say, don't go into this with any preconceptions, minds are like parachutes, they work best when open. :) Watch it a your leisure, settle into your favorite spot with a good bowl of buttered popcorn, a Coke, and enjoy the journey.

    Then post your own thoughts on the fascinating bit of film magic.