• Warning: Spoilers
    Cutting is a serious issue, I see it at school all the time. The problem is, there's too many adults who are outdated and think they know everything on the issue by watching movies like this, when really there's more going on than just kids being depressed.

    This film follows the typical pattern of self-help films, if it isn't cutting, it's drinking, drugs, smoking, anorexia or some other addictive behavior. A depressed kid cuts herself or himself, goes too far one day or gets caught, then a trusted and caring mental hospital gives them positive thoughts and BINGO! all their sadness is replaced with a love of life and excitement in school.

    Maybe adults should get the point of view of a kid before making a movie like this. Depression isn't the only motive for cutting, these days at my high school it's usually just for attention, and kids brag about their scars, show off bandages on their wrists, just to get pity and sympathy. It's just as wrong, yet accepted by kids and even adults these days. The serious kids, the ones who don't care if they go so far as to kill themselves, they hide it so much that they could be this straight A cheerleader one day, found bleeding to death the next because they went too far. It's never how films like this portray it to be, maybe in 2000 it was but certainly not in this day and age. Either Secrets Cutting is very outdated or very inaccurate.

    And that brings me to the idea of a mental hospital "rescuing" these hopeless cases as it so often depicts... yeah, a support group and some positive words aren't enough to stop somebody from cutting. The whole idea of making these hospitals look like caring and cheerful daycare centers is highly inaccurate. Kids with mental health issues, when it gets too severe, the last place they want to be is away from home being watched 24/7 by doctors and nurses, with positive quotes and reform therapy shoved at them.

    Cutting Secrets has lousy acting, boring soundtrack and a script that was obviously written by adult producers that knew very little of the issue from the perspective of a kid. Cutting is never the answer to any problem but there's two sides to every story and there are a lot of different stories, to try and generalize it hasn't helped anything. It's not really a movie worth watching unless you're incredibly bored, love seeing medical drama or want to think more about school than you are forced to, anyway.