• – An avalanche comes dreadfully close to burying a family on vacation in the Alps. The shock of this freak occurrence does not end here. Fear continues to cascade through individual psyches and false facades. While mingling and mixing with fellow travelers, questions arise regarding how much each family member cares for the others. Judgments are as cold and indifferent as ice and snow, and potentially more damaging. Winner of one of the oddly named and puzzlingly layered jury prizes at Cannes, Force Majeure delves into the disconnection and dissonance that happens when personal occupations, habits, anxieties and phones take the place of communication and empathy within a family. The near tragedy and the time and occasion to dwell on it, call into question what it means to be a woman and man. For all the buzz surrounding this film I expected a little more from the actors, yet they are capable enough. The profound impact and depth of the story, masterful transitioning and clever use of silence, sound and winter imagery, more than make up for this minor offense. This is a complex and striking film in a deceptively simple package.