• Warning: Spoilers
    In a way its difficult to write a review on this film about the life of Alan Turing, perhaps after Einstein the greatest scientist of the 20th century.The difficulty is the character of Turing which is given a portrayal by Benedict Cumberbatch which is one of the finest I have ever seen on screen. Turing invented the Turing machine which all modern digital computers have their foundation,but is Turing actually a machine himself? He is almost like DATA from Star Trek, in this very special performance. Alex Lawther as young Turing is also absolutely brilliant. This life story of Turing is shown in three parts, swinging backwards and forwards. The only weakness is when we get to the major "faction" part of the story concerning the Soviet spy John Cairncross. Anybody that knows the true story concerning Cairncross knows that this interaction with Turing is a load of fiction. The rest of the Enigma story is fair enough, although the way how the "cribs" such as Heil Hitler were discovered is treated in the film, with lets say a poetic license, which is OK by me.