• Warning: Spoilers
    If this had been a bigger budgeted film written by people that weren't new to the whole directing gig, I may have been harsher in my review. There are elements to this film that really could have been done better. The humor isn't bad and the plot is overall decent, but it really could have been tightened here and there to make a more slick performance. Many of the big name stars in this film are kind of underused- Englund is the best example of this and I really wanted him to factor into the movie more than he did. The somewhat romance between Marion and the bartender could probably have been tossed out- that didn't really do much for me as a whole and it's one of the bits that just felt a bit forced. There's also the problem that you can see much of the film coming, particularly the film's end revelation that there was more than one mole man.

    That said, this film is a pretty fun schlock fest and very impressive for the directors' first feature length film. They dealt well with the budget issues as far as the mole man goes. The dark shooting was annoying, but it did explain why we never got a clear shot of the monster until the end. The directors do try to explain things for the most part, which I appreciated. It also doesn't hurt that the two main characters are at least somewhat likable, so they have that going for them.

    I watched the film via Netflix and while I probably wouldn't buy this, I am planning to watch this again with my friends later on while drinking a few beers. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone wanting a good goofy movie- if you want anything serious or scary, then this isn't the film for you. The horror aspect of this isn't the main gist of the film and this is better appreciated by people who like schlocky 80s/90s horror films.