• Often "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Deep Space 9" would end their seasons with exciting cliffhangers about pending intergalactic wars. Generally, these were among the best of the show, as they were really exciting and action-packed--and a bit contrast to the usually cerebral episodes. So, the fact that I really liked this one is certainly no surprise.

    There is a HUGE build-up of Jem'Hadar ships poised to come through the wormhole. At the same time, a combined Cardassian and Jem'Hadar fleet has assembled near DS9. So, it looks pretty obvious that the long-awaited war is about to occur. In a last-ditch effort, Sisko orders the Defiant to mine the entrance to the wormhole and Rom has figured out a way to make these mines self-replicating! Will they have to use the mines or can war be somehow averted?

    Apart from some annoying antics from Jake, this is a very good show- -as is the follow-up that will follow. Well worth seeing and one of the better shows of the season.