
  • Fashion Police was so boring that I only watched half of it this time. I really miss Joan rivers and Kathy Griffith is too agreeable. Here are my thoughts. Joan Rivers would have said... Julianne Moore's dress: "geez, her dress looks like someone poured silver paint all over her naked body and put feathers on the bottom. I mean doesn't the dress make her look naked?" Emma Stone: "Geez, this is too casual. So inappropriate for Golden Globe. it looks like she took a night club outfit and put a huge bow in the back. Definitely one of the worst." Claire Danes: "she looks like a dead vampire straight out of a casket. Ai yai yai. What happened to her? Is there a new vampire movie that she is auditioning for?" Nina: "geez, did someone take a curtain and just draped it around her? The dress is not fitting right, baggy in the middle, not tailored right. She should fire the person who created it." Lorde: "she looks like she is going to work and just put a bikini on top." Lana: "the dress looks cheap. It looks like she paid $100 for that." Lupita: "she is half a flower pot. She is growing flowers from her breasts." Kathy Griffith was just too safe, too agreeable and afraid of taking risks.