• It was quite refreshing to hear some timely scripted Australian humour coming through in this movie however the storyline development and blunt eradication of some key characters had me feeling genre confused!

    The concept of a zombie apocalypse is one we have seen numerous times before. Wyrmwood tackled this with elements of humour, combined with a decent amount of gore as well as a surprising element of drama. This concoction of genres worked well for this film to a certain extent, however too many times in this movie, humorous scenes were followed by soul- searching depressing scenes and I felt that the vibe of the movie as a whole was never really consistent.

    We quickly understand that there are two stories being portrayed, one of those who are struggling survivors and one of those who see's the lead female character being held hostage for what appears to be government experiments. We understand what is happening in both stories, however I feel like the back-story surrounding the female lead and the government officials was left completely underdeveloped. Though we could visually appreciate what was being delivered, we never learnt why or by who and therefore could never fully reason with what half of the film was actually trying to depict. Unfortunately the last piece of this film revolves around that second storyline and the government officials and with absolutely no back-story we were left wondering why what was happening, was actually happening.

    For a zombie film, maybe viewers don't question things like that. Perhaps the element of uncertainty was exactly what the producers were trying to harness - the depiction of authority as being secretive and evil without reason was quite possibly a brilliant way of highlighting what reality could be like if such an outbreak were to occur. It is for this possibility and element of 'uncertainty' that I really do commend the film if that was what they were going for - though for me, I really do like backstories to be divulged by the end of the film.

    The gore and special effects in this movie must also be commended as they were done extremely well, nothing was left to the imagination in this department which will please many viewers set out on seeing the next Zombie film.

    I give this movie a 5/10 it was VERY enjoyable and I would recommend it, however personally it was missing some key elements.