• Warning: Spoilers
    This is my first review and at the same time the first time i reached the state of complete numbness or something opposite of nirvana. The movie starts of kinda dull, you've just met some kind of eccentric pianist who is not well adjusted to XXI century, don't know about you but it just goes in "it's kinda cliché" direction, and it is a writer's and director's job to prove us wrong, but they didn't. Story's not unique, and protagonist is this young fella who's some kind of genius or something, the only person alive who can play what is known as the hardest piece ever to be played. He starts playing and realizes that he's on gunpoint of a guy who doesn't want him to miss a note or he'll die, or his lovely wife. That strange lunatic man does that just because he and musician who owned that piano put a key in a piano, and the only way to get the key is to play the last 4 tablatures right, is this a joke or what? I was laughing, i'm not kidding. Well the whole story is annoying and boring, and i was in shock how lame it was, he didn't even use those piano pedals but you hear it in music he produces. That's all just an average bad movie, but what struck me the most in this piece of garbage was ending, when he goes in the truck to play the last four tablatures of that piece on broken piano and goddamn as you can predict he played it and as he disappointedly turned around and tried to get out, he hears lock and key falling. And there goes 10 minutes or so of credits, i mean what the hell?

    If you want to see an enlightening movie, don't watch this, but if you want to torture yourself just go ahead, this is a movie for you.