• Warning: Spoilers
    I love Bette Davis, but by 1952, just as with her character in this movie, her best days were behind her. But, that didn't mean one couldn't enjoy a good Bette Davis performance.

    The main problem I have with this film is not Miss Davis (my all-time favorite female actress), but with her co-star -- Sterling Hayden. If ever there was a limited actor, he was it. The desk I'm sitting at is less wooden than he was.

    The second problem I have with this film, and only slightly less significant is the script. At first it seems plausible. An older Academy Award winning actress is suddenly on the skids, and she is reaching her breaking point (which might have been a good title for the film). But why drop into the depths when television was alive and well, and yes, although "Playhouse 90" was not around yet, there were dramatic television series on the air already, and quite a few actors and actresses (including people like Ronald Colman) were beginning to do work in television. But, that logical storyline wouldn't have made a dramatic film, even if it had been based on reality. And then there's the ending of the film. She basically kidnaps her own daughter (gee, no problem there) because she has suddenly realized that true love conquers all, and heads off to a relationship which is outside of show biz. Really, that's sort of pathetic.

    But back to Bette Davis. Her performance here is, in my view, flawed. There are scenes with brilliance. And there are scenes where I really felt she was "overacting".

    Natalie Wood is here as the daughter, but isn't given much of do of significance, but wow -- this was his 17th film! It was good to see an older Minor Watson here...always a welcome character actor.

    I see this film as abounding in transition. Bette Davis transitioning into films where she played older character. But even the film industry transitioning (coarsely at times) into what it saw as more realistic and gritty film-making. But is this a top-notch film? No. Good, but not great.