• I've always been into those stories on unexplained phenomena from Bigfoot, the flying mothmen, black panthers, alligators in sewers, you name it. But what if all those things didn't stay hidden and turned out to actually be proved true, and what would you do if you even got dangerously close?

    This is one of my favorite TV shows of all time, it's also another childhood relic of mine. This was one of the first that really got the paranormal noir subgenere going as after this show there has been a huge inspiration to many other shows in it's wake like "The X-Files", "Gravity Falls", even a bit of the graphic DC comic series and underrated TV series "Constintine".

    What really made this show great was not just the concept of all the unexplained phenomena being real but just the notion of combining both the supernatural and noir genres into one which surprising made a beautiful combo and was something truly different for it's time. Instead of looking for the guilty culprit we're looking for the creature of the week.

    I love the theme song it's one of my favorite theme songs which feels right as it evokes mystery and also a bit of a sense of dread.

    Each of the mysteries are thought provoking which really gave it a sense of participation, we're all in the same boat as Carl Koljak, just like him we're trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I really love the use of darkness in the show which really gave everything both a noir atmosphere and even a really creepy, spooky and at time scary one, it really felt like a world where there is danger hidden or lurking in the shadows and the contemporary reality we all take for granted could betray us at any time. But there is also some comedy this gives the show a light heartiness, being both scared and laughing at the same time is always a great combo.

    Carl Kolchak is one of my favorite fictional protagonists. He's sort of a pulp hero, up there with "Doc Savage", "Doctor Who", and many others. Like any of the pulp heroes he's a single man that goes into many colorful adventures and has to deal with many outrageous situations. This was the kind of guy I'd wanted to call if I even saw something bump in the night.

    What I love about Kolchak is his character type in a way he's sort of like a 1920's detective that has been transported to the modern 70's era. He is somewhat of an outsider as he is literally the only one that has to seek out and deal with each of these bump in the night creatures, the only way/s he knows how. Which really increases the stages because it give this show a bit of a sense of isolation but is also stays true to the traditional noir genre as most of the protagonist usually are isolated characters.

    I even love that he's got a sharp dry charisma and isn't totally smooth as there is one moment that cracks me up when he tries to trap a vampire but makes a mistake as the person that entered isn't. And just like with "Doctor Who" Carl Kolchak has to mainly deal with each of these threats as best he can, he has no muscle or any weapons, his best weapon in the situations is his wits and intelligence. Which I think is great because it makes the protagonist more human making him more relate able, let alone inspiring despite the guy's limitations he's almost kinda a bad ass taking on supernatural foes that could overpower him and yet he is able to get the drop on them.

    There are several favorite episodes of mine, like one where he is dealing with a vampire which for it's time the episode was revolutionary because it brought the vampire to our modern times, which at the time was rare. Another was seeing him pitted against a voodoo zombie, I'll admit that one gave me the creeps.

    Beware of the dark, you may seek into the darkness, but the darkness always seeks you.

    Rating: 4 stars