• Once upon a time, the popular roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons swept across America, giving teenagers the chance to use their imaginations and build up fantastic worlds in their mind. The game would improve problem-solving and social skills and develop a whole host of mental processes - as you might guess, I'm a fan - but at the same time there was a Christian backlash against what was perceived to be "black magic". The same thing goes on today with the likes of Harry Potter.

    MAZES AND MONSTERS is the adaptation of a novel which follows the same 'warning against the occult' theme. A group of high school buddies play the titular game in their basements, only to be driven out of their mind by the evil influence involved. It's all completely ridiculous of course, and laughably so; the addition of some rubbery monsters doesn't add up to much. The only reason this incredibly dated film is of interest today is because it stars future superstar Tom Hanks in one of his earliest roles.