• I guess it all made sense in the rolling credits at the end that Adam Sandler had his hand in this piece of junk movie. The whole movie plays out like a very bad Nickelodeon after school special. I think the movie could of been rated "G" if it wasn't for a few fake karate kicks. My 6 year old thought it was even crap. Take a decent movie and make a dumb sequel. That's what Hollywood loves to do, and they did it again with this terrible movie. Adam Sandler is a has been and should never put his hands on anything. This is another one of his failures, I wish he would go back to SNL and sing the lunch lady song again. At least he couldn't mess that up. I even watched the whole movie hoping that it would get better seeing that I waited so long for it to come out on Bluray. Rent it and be disappointed, don't buy it and feel regret. 1 * is being generous.