• It's wedding day for Alice (Marla Sokoloff) and Danny Garfinkle (Josh Cooke) at her parents' home. Her mother Jane (Wendie Malick) wants to control the wedding. Her father Steve (Kurt Fuller) wants her to not marry the immature Danny. Lorna (Stephnie Weir) is the harried wedding coordinator. Becca (Miriam Shor) is Alice's sister. The Garf (Stephen Tobolowsky) is Danny's wacky dad.

    This is one of those high concept sitcoms where everybody has to be wacky. It comes off badly. At least, there are no laugh tracks but they replace it with a constant wacky music soundtrack. It doesn't make the show any funnier. I like the actors and it's not like this is anything offensive. It's just not funny.