• Warning: Spoilers
    While I enjoyed Sharknado 2 more than the original I can admit that I'm one of the fans that didn't ask for a sequel. This one suffers from sequel-itis and it's obvious since Syfy is basically milking this into franchise.

    The film has a very uneven pace mostly due to trying to shoehorn in celebrity cameos, it was cute and funny in the second one but gets annoying in this one. The story this time is about preventing various storms on the east coast from merging together and creating a "Sharkicane" and preventing the end of the world. Which is almost the exact same plot as the last movie Most of the characters are introduced just to be killed off as fast as they're introduced with the exception of David Hasselhoff.

    The kills and action are serviceable as best and the self referential humor is still there. The ending takes place in outer space which begs the question what really is there to do in the next movie. The closing scene itself is just sequel bait (obviously since they already announced Sharknado 4) getting people to vote on the fate of Tara Reid's character by using a hashtag. It would have been a good twist to kill off a main character definitively in this movie.

    I hate to see this end up like the saw or paranormal activities movies where they wear out their welcome. To quote Mark McGrath from the last movie "You just jumped the shark."