• Warning: Spoilers
    This whole franchise has been built on the ridiculous after it accidentally won the hearts of pop culture enthusiasts all over—not too shabby for what was suppose to be another dud that The Asylum and Syfy were trying to push out and fill up time on-air. However, there is a limit and if the second one wasn't pushing towards that limit, this one definitely did.

    The second one defined itself nearly entirely on the premise of "Who will cameo next?" and that formula returns…except this time they've clearly hit the bottom of the barrel as you get Frankie Muniz in a weak role and the likes of Mark Cuban, Michael Winslow, Chris Jericho, Ann Coulter, Bill Engvall and a whole bunch of other has-beens or 15-minuters desperately clinging to fame. Once or twice there's a cameo that is amusing but for the most part it's kinda sad.

    The saddest part, however, is how the film won't even try to actually have a somewhat coherent (or as coherent as the "Sharknado" films can get) story. At least in the first two the films had a conflict the crew had to overcome and while there was a ton of filler in order to make it to a feature length, the film tries to have some sort of plot threads that connect each sequence. This time around that isn't even attempted and the film just is racing to get to its next spectacle and they are never good ones. In fact, they quickly fly off the rails and the film heads into space…and essentially leaves the fourth one—the one where the fate of April (Tara Reid) hangs in the balance over a campaign on Twitter—with nowhere to go. In fact, this one was so tedious and lacking in the fun factor that the previous two had that I fear what The Asylum and Syfy will do in order to keep beating this dead horse.