• (my review title with apologies to Burkbob,one of the two other reviewers)

    Four great things about this movie: (1) the title (2) the DVD box cover, ooh black-and-tan, yes! (3) the scene as in (2) above in the movie itself (4) I will get to the fourth in the next paragraph

    I would not have bought this DVD were it not for Susan George being in it. I collect her movies and I've got almost all the noteworthy ones, with OUT OF SEASON being the last one outstanding. After viewing this one I have to concur with the other reviewer who warned that thus movie is only of value to Susan George fans. Really, it leaves one quite a lot depressed at the end, and then, while in a gloomy mood, you think bad about the film. Which has a considerable lot of shortcomings. I'm in no frame of mind to list them now - my two colleagues here on IMDb did a good job here in their reviews and I'll let that suffice. But as for her with the golden hair and the big soulful eyes, once again, you did not disappoint, my dear. Ratty movie (literally) but yet another winning performance by the prettiest dolly bird in Swinging London during the Late Sixties. Let me just say that Susan George has got to be the cuddliest girl ever. Thank you and goodnight and feel free to vote for me as being Unhelpful.