
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Though it came out just two years after the first movie, "Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold" feels totally different than the first movie despite the central plot being the same (the heroine out to demolish a drug ring.) And it some aspects, it is an improvement over the original movie. This sequel looks a lot more exotic, thanks to the Hong Kong setting and the budget obviously being a lot higher. Also, the action sequences are a lot better, particularly the over the top climatic battle. However, the script should have been worked on a bit more before filming started. There isn't a lot of story here, and it unfolds extremely slowly. Also, the character of Cleopatra Jones is almost an afterthought at times, with her being offscreen for extended periods of times. These script problems, along with the facts that the blaxploitation genre and the Hong Kong action genre were dying when the movie was released may explain why the movie didn't do particularly well at the box office. But if you liked the first movie despite its faults, you will probably like this sequel as well.